Advanced Architecture for Secure, Easy to Create Digital Assets and Digital Identities

Why Metaverse?
Allowing anyone to build smart contracts and deploy them to the Metaverse chain, using tools like MetaMask, Remix, and Truffle. Smart contracts will be compatible through the provided support for Solidity as well as for anything that compiles to EVM bytecode.
Proof of Work (POW) to dictate block authoring and Grandpa finality. There is no voting or validating committee through Proof of Stake (POS) as the entire network will validate each block. Thus, the system will not only be able to mitigate 51 % attack, but also provide a uniform distribution of mining reward to the stakeholders and investors.
Metaverse utilizes the Substrate modular framework for higher scalability, long term expansion and support to connect decentralized applications, services and allow other independent blockchains to connect, exchange information and transactions at a lower cost.
Activating the Metaverse
Through MST, MIT, Avatars
Metaverse Smart Token
Digital assets or MSTs on the Metaverse virtual platform are trust-free, traceable and decentralized smart properties that can be freely registered, transferred, issued, deposited, used as collateral or burnt.
Digital Identity
Self-sovereign identity ledgers on the Metaverse blockchain via the KILT protocol. Ability to securely manage personal data and credentials, which can be anonymously shared to third parties. Decentralized and independent digital identities in Web 3.0 initiative.
Metaverse Identifiable Token
MIT are a set of token standards that involve the transfer, ownership, and information about a non-fungible item like artwork or baseball cards. They allow anyone to register assets from off-chain and are globally unique with an identifiable ID.
Metaverse Ecosystem
Block Explorer
Provides on-chain transaction data of MST, MIT, Avatars and includes detailed mining and staking statistics.
Browser Extension Wallet
A browser extension wallet for the Web 3.0 ecosystem, making it easy for you to access web applications on web browsers like Google Chrome.